Internet... esta herramienta que ha cambiado el mundo, tanto como puede que cambie en los coletazos del Sr Bush. Vale, un dardito político pre-post. Cuando me empecé a aventurar en Interne
t el primer foro al que asistí de manera asidua (a través de un modem de 56kbps) fue el de pennydreadful, donde un grupo de unos treinta tipos desperdigados por toda Europa nos alistamos como fans de Skyclad. Hoy en dia, esta banda, que está entre mis favorita, lleva bastante tiempo desaparecida del mapa. Si, por ahí andarán, pero claro, no es lo mismo, ya no hay disco cada año como sucedió durante la década pasada. Y dicho foro no se actualiza desde lo que en el ciber-mundo se pueden considerar eones. Pero siempre estarán ahí, con sus rimas, sus dobles sentido, y la inspiración que me transmiten siempre que les recuerdo y les escucho. Gran momento el concierto de 1994, acompañando a Yngwie Malmsteen, a quien no vimos por estar de cháchara con el artista invitado. Comprarse la camiseta, unas cerves con unos ingleses, y un buen rato hace catorce añetes. Si, esos momentos en los que uno es propenso al idealismo, a la utopía y a mejorar el mundo. Como casi todos, no he cambiado el mundo, pero aún aspiro a cambiar mi entorno y si puedo un poco más allá. Y de momento, las cosas van a mejor; ¿Será el optimismo? ¿Serán los cambios, que son a mejor?
Veremos. Pero me conformo con que las sensaciones sean así.
Mientras tanto, a seguir adelante, que contrariando a Serrat ya hay camino; será de lo mucho caminado :)
Pennydreadful / Irrational Anthems. Skyclad
Forgive me if I'm out of order -
this new "music" has no soul.
It may be good for making money,
(sadly that is not my goal).
Integrity and honesty are words that you don't understand,
but you're the best - it says so in the penny dreadful in your hand.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
If we'd played this riff more punk,
than may be we'd have had a million seller.
But this piper's tune is not for sale,
(I'm glad to say I'm not that kind of fella).
D.J.s, V.J.s, pimps and trollops,
never mind music - this is bollocks.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Stand your ground behind the times -
and refuse to follow fassion.
Write your poetry with anger,
(and then sing it with a passion).
Painted faces in a circus - images that spring to mind,
when I read my penny dreadful filled with pictures of your kind.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Commercial suicide's appealing after
ten years on this losing streak.
'Cause I'd rather be called sour and bitter
then be deemed the flavour of the week.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Extra, extra, read all about it!
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
(M. Walkyer, 1996)

Veremos. Pero me conformo con que las sensaciones sean así.
Mientras tanto, a seguir adelante, que contrariando a Serrat ya hay camino; será de lo mucho caminado :)
Pennydreadful / Irrational Anthems. Skyclad
Forgive me if I'm out of order -
this new "music" has no soul.
It may be good for making money,
(sadly that is not my goal).
Integrity and honesty are words that you don't understand,
but you're the best - it says so in the penny dreadful in your hand.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
If we'd played this riff more punk,
than may be we'd have had a million seller.
But this piper's tune is not for sale,
(I'm glad to say I'm not that kind of fella).
D.J.s, V.J.s, pimps and trollops,
never mind music - this is bollocks.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Turn on, tune up, cash in, sell out.
Stand your ground behind the times -
and refuse to follow fassion.
Write your poetry with anger,
(and then sing it with a passion).
Painted faces in a circus - images that spring to mind,
when I read my penny dreadful filled with pictures of your kind.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Commercial suicide's appealing after
ten years on this losing streak.
'Cause I'd rather be called sour and bitter
then be deemed the flavour of the week.
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
Extra, extra, read all about it!
I saw you in the magazine,
they're calling you messiah.
They must be living in a dream -
they couldn't be more wrong.
(M. Walkyer, 1996)
4 comentarios:
ejem...juasjuas...te estoy imaginando con los mismos pelos que los de la foto...juasjuas
si, imagina, que como no consiga una peluca malamente :P
Pues en el pub ese cutre (que no es casa Paco) donde le gusta salir a Asier tras las asambleas precarias ponen pelucas a disposición del público. Hay fotos que lo demuestran.
pero Aurora... debe ser antihigiénico andar con pelucas que han pasado por todas las cabezas que se pueden contar, sean precarias o no...
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